Designing Visual Communication
Learning Objectives
¨ Discuss
six principles of graphic design that help ensure effective visuals
¨ Explain
how to avoid ethical lapses when using visuals
¨ Explain
how to choose which points in your message to illustrate
¨ Describe
the most common options for presenting data in a visual format
¨ Describe
the most common options for presenting information, concepts, and ideas
Understanding Visual Communication
¨ Identify
visual points
-(Which point in
your message to illustrate)
¨ Select
the best visuals
-(For each of those
¨ Create
effective visuals
-(memo’s, web
pages, electronic presentation etc.)
The Power of Images
¨ Enhance
textual messages
procedures and emotions etc.)
¨ Replace
verbal messages(Time saving)
¨ Convey
complex information
¨ Hold
people’s attention
¨ Communicate
with diverse audiences
¨ Convey
connotative meaning (emotions, impressions)
The Visual Evolution in Business Communication
¨ Technology
¨ Audience
¨ Expectations
¨ Visual
literacy a key business skill
Visual Literacy Six
Fundamental principles
¨ Consistency(Color,Shape,size,position
and scale etc.)
¨ Contrast
(color contrasting in charts)
¨ Balance
(Formal and informal balance)
¨ Emphasis
(Dominant element)
¨ Convention
(Direction e.g. sequence of steps in a diagram)
¨ Simplicity
(simple colors, designs)
The Ethics of Visual Communication
¨ Consider
all possible interpretations
Misinterpretation e.g. ease of use of a product without
¨ Provide
appropriate context
Accurate visuals with appropriate background
¨ Don’t
conceal negative information
¨ Don’t
exaggerate support information
¨ Don’t
oversimplify complex situations
¨ Don’t
imply cause and effect relationship
Cause and effect relationship with proof
Relationship between advertising cost and increase in sales
¨ Avoid
manipulation or coercion e.g.
A child is unhappy because he doesn’t has latest fashion
clothes on the other side unethically it persuade the parents to buy
fashionable clothes for their children
¨ Be
careful how you aggregate data
Choosing Points to Illustrate
¨ The
5 C’s of visual design
¡ Clear
¡ Complete
Detail in tables and
¡ Concise
A picture is worth one thousand words
¡ Connected
Similarities, differences, relationships
¡ Compelling
More persuasive and more interesting message
Pick the Right Visuals
¨ Data
and information
v Tables
v Line
v Bar
v Bubble
v Pie
¨ Concepts
and ideas
v Organizational
v Maps
v Drawings,
Diagrams, Photographs
The Parts of a Table
¨ Systematic
arrangement of data
¡ Columns
¡ Rows
¡ Headings
Preparing Data Tables
¨ Use
common, understandable units and clearly identify them e.g. dollar, percentage,
price per ton etc.
¨ Express
all items in a column in the same unit, and round off for simplicity
¨ Label
column headings clearly, and use a subhead if necessary
¨ Separate
columns or rows with lines or extra space to make the table easy to follow
¨ Do
not cram so much information into a table that it becomes hard to read
¨ Document
the source of the data using the same format as a text footnote
Line and Surface Charts
¨ Trends
¨ Variables
¨ Relationships
Using Bar Charts
¨ Compare
¨ Show
¨ Indicate
¨ Show
relative sizes
Using Pie Charts
¨ Distribution
of parts within a whole
¨ Arrange
slices clockwise
¨ Use
a variety of colors
¨ Show
numbers or percentages
Information, Concepts, and Ideas
¨ Organization
¡ Positions
¡ Units
¡ Functions
¨ Organization
¡ Positions
¡ Units
¡ Functions
Using Maps
¨ Location
and distance
¨ Points
of interest
¨ Geographic
¨ Market
¨ Distribution
¨ Facilities
Drawings and Diagrams
¨ Networks
¨ Processes
¨ Operations
¨ Procedures
Photographic Images
¨ Consider
the use of diagrams
¨ Learn
basic image-processing tools
¨ Match
the file to the application
¨ Insist
on high communication value
¨ Honor
copyrights and permissions
Animation and Video
¨ Shapes
and text (Animate)
¨ Computer
animation (Software)
¨ Digital
video (Variety of tools for production)
Creating Visual Aids
¨ Training
¨ Experience
¨ Templates
¨ Quality
Integrate Text and Visuals
¨ Balance
¨ Reference
¨ Place
¨ Titles,
captions, and legends
Verifying Visual Quality
¨ Accuracy
¨ Documentation
¨ Honesty
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