Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Business Plan

  •           Project: Business
  •   Class : Msc,Mba (weekend)
    Subject : Fundamental of Management
    Submitted To:  Prof. Ali Hamza
Saqeefa Primary School Wahga, Lahore
Names of Partners  
Khurram Shahzad.
Muhammad Imran.
Muhammad Ejaz.
Shahid Javed.
Mansab Iqbal.
Najeeb Ullah.
Each partner contributes Rs. 50,000 and all Partners share is equally in profit and loss.
Total budget is Rs. 3, 00,000 for Business.
We are all teachers and we have to decide to open our school in such type of area where is real need of education where system of education is very poor. We have done the survey in Village Wahga there is a lot of students but there is no quality Education. According to last few years Result there are few students who pass the metric exams in board. The last year result of Government School Wahga is just two student pass in 9th class exams out of 78 students. And there are many other private schools may be four schools also are working in the area but the Results are so much bad. Because there is no single School who make the base of students and the study system is too bad in the village. But there is one thing encourage us the behavior of parents. The parents are interested in quality Education but there is no one single institute that make the quality Education and secure the future of their children’s.
The good schools are far away from the area so the people can’t afford the daily expenses of freight and a heavy duty of parents to leave the children in school and to carry the children from school the people of village was in very disappointing situation and worried about their children’s future.  
So we decide that we have to open an Oxford Syllabus School in the village for the education of Children of area.  We decide to take a start from primary level school and then after some time with the response of peoples of area and with increasing students in the School. We will convert our School in middle and then in high level school. We search building and people help us and provide us a very suitable building in some days which rent was Rs. 10,000 and there were 8 rooms and loan in the building. Then we decide the name of School.

Our School name is Saqeefa Primary School the word Saqeefa means the place where Ashab e Rasool(R.A) teaches the Islamic education to the people.
It is the first Oxford Syllabus School in the village and the purpose of opening school is to promote quality education in the area and serve poor people by offering low fee schedule. The second purpose is earning profit.  We know it is a good service of humanity to provide the quality education but we also know it is a Good Business as well now days.
We decide the low fee schedule for all people as well as special discount for poor people.    This is convenient for all people of the area.   The fee is just Rs.1,000 per month of every children and offering 40% fee off for those Students whose fathers are not alive. Or who are very poor and can’t afford the fee of school.
The basic expenses which are occurred on School are below.
Names of Expenses
Amount (Rs.)
·         Building Rent
·         Building decoration
·         Toys for kids
·         Slides etc
·         50 Small chairs of kids of Rs.350 each
·         Five kids tables of Rs. 3,000 each.
·         100 student chairs of Rs.500 each.
·         Carpet for small kids.
·         8 White board  of Rs. 1,000 each
·         Markers ink and other stationary for office
·         Office chairs and table
·         Reception office expenses
·         2 Computers of Rs. 12,000 and one printer of Rs. 5000 for office and Reception
·         Chairs paint


Total Amount

After completing the basic works we divide the duties of work to each partner that what they have to do personally. Our customers are students and parents. We all members have to need work hard for marketing of school and for creating good relations with the people of area and telling the features of school and about the quality education that they impress and take interest in admit their children in school.
We have to register our Name of School so we contact with a legal advisor and do all process for Register the name of school. The fee of School’ name registered is Rs.5, 000 so we Registered our School name for protection and safety and for developing goodwill. Then we utilize the area people to sending our message and for marketing by the area people.
We will do contact with area lady health worker also to divide the pamphlets of school and giving the positive message and building the image in the minds of mothers of children that how to important our school for the education of their children.
We will offer the lady health workers to pay a handsome package on the admission with their reference. So it will be help full for us and also for health workers to increase their income in additional time after her duty timings in hospitals.We do marketing plans and print banners pamphlets and also held a School opening ceremony in which all famous personalities we will also invite and the and give the add and news line in area cable to giving the strong message in every house of area and the Marketing expenses details are below.
Name of Expenses
Amount (Rs.)
·         100 banners of Rs. 150 each
·         5,000 pamphlets
·         2000 high quality color pamphlets for visitors
·         Ceremony expenses with refreshment
·         300 Invitation cards


Total cost

We give the offer to all there will be 20% off in fee a  if they take admission on the opening date of school. And also exempt the Admission fee as well as.
Our Target of First year is 200 to 250 students in first year.
After the opening of School we have hire two lady teachers who teaches the small kids and one lady as sweeper and for also ayah and one guard we have total hire 4 persons.
The salaries of staff is below
·         Lady teacher
·         Lady teacher
·         aya
·         guard

Our all cost on all School expenses are Rs.2,63,500 and Rs.36500 is in our hand to meet starting daily expenses.
 And  we all divided the responsibilities, duties and work between us that what we have to do and how we divide all work  and designation between us are written below.
·         M.Imran
·         Khuram Shahzad
·         M. Ejaz
·         Shahid javed
·         Mansab Iqbal
·         Najeeb Ullah
Event Manager
Planner Exams
Composer of papers
General Science

We held the Three terms of Syllabus of all course in a year. So after every term we announce the results of children and invites the parents and also other people to visit our school and standard of education in our School it will inspire the people more and more to admit their children in our school and we held the national days ceremonies and debates and other competitions in students and invite the parents and outsiders to check the school quality and standard of school.
And we distributes the pamphlets after every month and gave the message to peoples again and again and we held a parents and teachers meeting one time in a month it give the confident to parents about the education of their children and also promote the goodwill in people of area. We hire more teachers according to the requirements and needs of school.
We plane our target and business yearly that what is our target and what is we have to do to achieve our targets. Next year we have to achieve the strength 500 students in our school.
If we achieve the 2nd year target we will purchased our land and build building for school we all contribute our maximum and also we takes loan from bank if there will be some need. There will be approximately 50 lacks required for making own building of round about more than one canal of School.
After making our own building of School we announce the high School play Group to metric. And also register our school according to Biselahore requirements. For making more confident our school and for building Goodwill of our School.
Then we look the Registration process of the School in Lahore. The further details of Registration process is written below.

Chapter II
Provisional Registration
Step 1 :
Clearance with the Planning Department (PD)
²Forward Form Pto the Secretary of the Town Planning Board to
confirm whether the proposed premises are permitted for school use under the Town Planning Ordinance.²
Follow the procedures at Appendix 1 if planning permission is
Go to Step 2 if planning permission is not required or application for
planning permission to the Secretary of the Town Planning Board has
been filed. However, please be reminded that an application for
planning permission may or may not be approved by the Town Planning
Board and it is at the applicant’s own discretion to submit an application
for school registration prior to the grant of planning permission by the
Town Planning Board .
Step 2 :
Clearance with Other Departments
Land Registry and Lands Department (LD)
Approach the Land Registry for the following documents inrelation to the lease records of the proposed lot/premises
(i)A certified true copy of the Historical and Current Computerized Land Register showing the nature of instruments and memorial numbers of all documents registered against the lot/premises; and
(ii)A certified true copy of the Lease or New Grant or Conditions (including all modifications and attachments thereto) in respect of thelot/premises²Collect Form Lfrom the School Registration and Compliance Section, EDB and forward it together with the above
mentioned lease records to the relevant District Lands Office direct or through EDB to confirm whether the proposed school use is in compliance with the lease conditions governing the proposed premises.
Follow the procedures at Appendix 2 if land lease
modification/temporary waiver is required.

Applicant should forward PD/LD’s approval letter for planning
permission/land lease modification/temporary waiver to EDB.
Fire Services Department (FSD) &Buildings/Housing Department
(BD/HD) Follow oneof the 2 procedures listed below
(1) Applicants who choose to submit Form A1 & Form A2to FSD
& BD/HDdirect should do the following
²Forward 1 application form (Form A1) and 3 copies of layout plan to FSD* for application of the Fire Services Certificate.²
Forward a copy of Form A1 with a layout plan to EDB for record purpose.
²Forward 1 applicationform (Form A2) and 4 copies of
layout plan to BD/HD for application of safety certificates and notice.²
Forward a copy of Form A2with a layout plan to EDBfor record purpose.
(2)Applicants who choose to submit Form A1 & Form A2to EDB
indirectly for its onward transmission to relevant departments
for processingshould do the following
²Forward 2 Form A1and 2 Form A2 with 9 copies of the layout plan to DB for followup action.
* Processing procedures for the application of Fire Services Certificate are available in FSD’s
Appendices3,3a,4 & 57C.Education Bureau (EDB)
²Forward relevant documents to EDB according to the checklist at
Step 3 :
Compliance of RequirementsA.FSD and BD/HD
²Comply with the respective requirements of FSD & BD/HD.²
Inform FSD and BD/HD in writing instantly upon compliance of
their requirements for followup inspections.
²Forward the safety certificates and notice issued by FSD and
BD/HD to EDB for further processing.²
Forward 5 copies of the approvedlayout plan to EDB for its
onward transmission to the D of Health to issue health requirements and provide number ofpermitted accommodation in
each classroom. B.EDB
²Comply with EDB's requirements on the suitability of the
proposed school name, school premises, courses to be operated
(including syllabus andtimetables)and fees to be charged as well
as registration of managers, etc.

Step 4 :

Commencement of Operation
²The school maycommence operation after obtaining a certificate
of provisional registration issued by EDB.

Step 5 :

Full Registration
²A provisionally registered school will be issued a certificate of
Registrationby EDB upon its full compliance of the following
requirements :
Requirements on school management(e.g. registration of teachers, appointment of principaland no. of students enrolled set by EDB;b.Health requirements set by the D of Health;c.
Requirements set by the FSD& BD/HD
(if any).
If school fails to comply with the abovementioned requirements within the period of validity under its provisional registration, the provisional registration of the school will not be extended automatically and the school will become an unregistered school up

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